Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fresh Stewed Corn

When cutting corn from the cob, use a sharp knife and make two complete cuts. Cut off the tip of the grain first, then cut or scrape next to the cob. As you cut the corn off the cob, look for and pull off embedded silks.

5 to 6 ears of corn
1 tbs flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbs bacon fat, or 1/2 stick butter or drippings from 2 slices of fried salt pork
1 cup water

In a bowl, stir the flour, salt, and water into the corn that has been removed from the cob; then place the corn mixture in a pot. Cook over medium heat until the corn gets very hot, stirring 3 or 4 times. Add the fat or butter. Reduce heat to low and let simmer for 15 minutes.

Serves 4 to 6.

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