Thursday, April 30, 2020

Unclaimed Civil War Money

You are going to find this hard to believe, but .. I was intrigued by a post regarding unclaimed money found in a bank in Canada. I ran my own search of The Dismal Swamp Data Bank, and came across some interesting information. When we finally let the Yankees come into this area during the War of Northern Aggression, they had a habit of riding through the countryside taking pretty much what they wanted after they got done burning the houses down.

Well, it seems that there this one Yankee Lieutenant who didn't know any better and he signed IOU's on behalf of the federal government. Billy Bob McCloud's great (whatever) Grand Daddy received one of those IOU's in the amount of $2.67 for, and I quote, 20 cows, 4 mules, 18 hogs, 2 wagons, 3 slaves, 22 chickens, contents of 1 smokehouse and unspecified duties performed by his 6 daughters. This money was to be paid upon the ending of the war along with compounded monthly interest. It would seem that the federal government never did honor that pledge (as usual) and the interest has been growing and growing and growing.

None of us can figure too well, so we had Mr. Abdollar over to the General Store cipher it out for us. As best he can tell, Billy Bob is now due one hundred and ninety eight million, four hundred and sixty six thousand, two hundred and thirty three dollars and twenty six cents. Billy Bob got one of those city slicker lawyers and has put a lien on the White House. We are getting ready to move up there right now. I will write and let you all know how we made out.

- Bob Gurkin

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