Sunday, May 3, 2020

Pinto Beans with Corn

1 lb dry pinto beans
2 pkgs (10 oz each) frozen corn, or 4 cups frozen corn, or 4 cups fresh, cut from the cob
1/4 lb country side meat or salt pork
2 tsp salt

Wash the beans by putting them in a large bowl with warm water. Stir them around with your fingers until the water becomes cloudy, then drain. Rise the beans and drain again. Place the beans in a 2 quart pot and fill with hot water to a level about 3 inches over the beans. Add the side meat and salt. Cover the pot and simmer for 2 - 1/2 hours or until the beans are tender (stir occasionally, checking to be sure there is enough liquid).

Pintos should have a sauce like juice when they are done. Cook a bit longer if necessary for more of the juice to be absorbed. Add the corn and let simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally, adding hot water if needed.

Serves 6 to 8. (See Chow-Chow for side dish)

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