Monday, September 1, 2008

Lard and Cracklings

Lard and Cracklings

Ask the butcher for fat from pork loins. It should be firm fat, about 3 to 4 lbs of it. Cut the fat into ½ inch cubes and place them in a large pot. Cook slowly over low heat so that the fat won’t stick to the pot. Stir often--it will take a while. When the fat begins to get real hot, it will turn brown. Stir so that the fat will brown evenly. When all of the fat is brown or appears to be dry, take the cracklings (the solid, crispy residue) out of the pot and put them in a colander to drain. Let the lard sit in the pot so the crumbs settle to the bottom. Put the lard through a strainer to remove the crumbs and refrigerate the lard until ready to use. Cracklings are best with cornbread.

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