Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ice Box Fruit Cake

Ice Box Fruit Cake

This recipe is so old that it literally meant an ice box. When I was a youngin, we used to get a delivery of ice every Wednesday. Us kids would gather at the back of the ice truck and sometimes the iceman would chip off a piece of ice for us after he had put a large block of ice in the oak and zinc icebox in the kitchen. The great thing about a fruit cake is that if you didn't eat it at Christmas, you could always use it as a door stop!
  • 1 1/2 cups evap. milk (If you want it extra rich you can use 1 cup evap. milk and 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk)
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 4 cups marshmallows
  • 8 oz candied cherries (red and green)
  • 4 cups nuts (English walnuts and pecans)
  • 8 oz candied pineapple (You can substitute mixed candied fruit for the pineapple)
  • 1 16 oz bag of coconut
  • 16 oz of raisins (or less, if you desire)
  • 1 box graham crackers (Be sure to crush them to crumbs)
Mix butter, milk and marshmallows over a low heat. Stir constantly till completely melted. Be careful to keep the heat low and stir so you won't scorch the milk. Pour the mix over all of the other ingredients that you have placed in a large bowl. Mix it well. Place waxed paper in the containers you choose. (Baking pan, bowls, etc.) Be sure to pack the mixure in tightly. (In the old days, we would even use small cardboard containers, such as your raisin box. But whatever you use be sure to put waxed paper in first) Next put it in your refrigerator for approximately 24 hrs or till its firm. As long as it's kept covered this cake will keep for four or five weeks.

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